Heart Attack

When a person suffers from a heart attack, it means that for some reason the blood flow is blocked and oxygen does not reach the heart. This can cause us damage in the heart and even death, is why it is very important to be alert to a possible heart attack and all the symptoms that appear before it happens, those minutes we can win could save life or of a loved one. Sudden chest pain: There comes a sudden severe chest pain, many patients who have suffered heart attack describe it as if they feel a strong tightness in the chest, as if someone pressed hard that area. The pain is very strong as sudden, usually in the heart area or in the center of the chest. This happens only few minutes before a heart attack, but it is a very strange pain that will be easy to recognize because you have not felt before unless you have already suffered from a heart attack. Perspiration: Sweat and perspire is a natural reaction, appears excessive heat or performing any physical exercise. But ...